Stock analysis in a nutshell

We collect income, balance and cashflow statements from more than 8.000 values listed in the NYSE

Then we organize that data in a way you can easily understand company trends

Because we believe company analysis can be an easy task, if you look at the company fundamental data through the right lenses

Looking for High Performers?

We have created a company ranking, based on several fundamental ratios

Specially suited for these interested in Dividend Growth Investment, we help you identifying the companies suitable for your strategy



Simple and effective data visualization, so you can understand the history and trends of a company.


Extensive ranking of companies, based on their fundamental data.

We evaluate different aspects of their income, balance and cashflow statements, and produce a score based on them.

We also add extra points to these companies committed in paying dividends, and to grow them over time.


We update our data on a daily basis, depending on the availability of our data providers.

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...or if you just want to meet the awesome team behind Fundamental Savvy...

we would love to hear from you.