DGI Ranking

Clasification of companies, based on different stability ratios, as well as their dividend history

Column Description
ticker Symbol that uniquely identifies a company in the stock market it belongs to. More...
p/e The Price-to-Earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings (EPS). In our DGI model, we consider healthy values these between 8 and 20 times the EPS. More...
div. growth 10y Annualized dividend growth during the last 10 years. This value is the Compound Annual Growth Rate during that period of time. For a DGI strategy, we consider healthy dividend increases these above 7%.More...
years inc. div. Number of consecutive years the company has increased the dividend. In this model, we consider in good shape these companies increasing the dividend for more than 8 years in a row.
COPM Cash Operating Profit Margin or EBITDA Margin: It's the percentage of revenue considered profit. We consider good values these above 17%. More...
ROIC Return On Invested Capital is a ratio to measure how efficient is a company at making profit. The model considers good ratios these above 12% (a yearly net profit of 12% of the debt and equity). More...
ROTA Return On Tangible Assets is a ratio to measure how efficient is a company using its tangible assets. More in detail, it's the relation of the company's net profit against it's tangible assets. The model considers a good ratio that above 12% (this is, yearly net income is at least 0.12 times the assets) More...
DEBT / EBITDA Net debt to EBITDA ratio is a debt ratio that shows how many years it would take for a company to pay back its debt if net debt and EBITDA are held constant. We consider a healthy value that below 3 years. More...
EV / EBITDA Enterprise Value over EBITDA is the relation between how much the company is worth (as the sum of market capitalization, debt and cash) compared to earnings. The model considers a value below 12x a healthy value, as that is the average of the SP500 during the last few years.More...
EV / FCF Enterprise Value to Free Cashflow compares the total valuation of a company with its ability to generate Free Cash Flow. The model considers an EV lower than 20 times the FCF a healthy value. More...
p/b The Price-to-Book ratio (P/B) is a ratio that compares the share price of a company against its net asset value. Used alongside the p/e ratio, it is a good indicator to verify if a stock price is valued propery. Our model considers values blow 5x healthy values. More...
p/s The Price-to-Sales ratio (P/S) is a ratio that compares the share price of a company against its revenue. Similarly to P/B, its purpose is to verify if a company is valued properly. This ratio shows how much the market values every dollar of the company's sales. Our model considers any value below 3x healty values More...
yield Dividiend Yield is the ratio of a company's annual dividend compared to its share price. It's a good measure of the profitability an investor would get if the company held a constant dividend along the years. For a DGI portfolio, our model considers a yield above 3% a profitable dividend More...
payout The Payout Ratio is the proportion of earnings paid out as dividend. Our model considers payouts below 80% healty. The lower this value, the beter chances a company can pay dividends in episodes of earnings decrease. More...
score Overall score, from 0 to 10, assigned by the model. It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the individual scores of all the metrics above.
Symbol p/e div.
EV/FCF p/b p/s Yield Payout Score